Our lecturers have practical management experience in a wide array of industries. Many of them received MBA degrees from top business schools, meaning they can relate to your experience as an MBA student.
As a GLOBIS MBA student, you will learn from lecturers who have managerial experience at multinational companies such as McKinsey & Company, Goldman Sachs, Procter & Gamble, GE, Amazon, Apple, Boston Consulting Group, as well as company presidents, executives, and entrepreneurs from companies such as Christian Dior K.K. (Japan), SAP Japan, Standard Chartered Bank Singapore, and A+E Networks (History Channel) Japan.
As most of our classes are discussion-based, it is extremely important for lecturers to guide discussions effectively. That means encouraging a wide variety of ideas and extracting meaningful learning points. Every lecturer is vetted for facilitation skills to ensure you cross the line between knowing and doing.
Lecturers at GLOBIS are dedicated to your personal growth and future success, and that doesn’t stop after graduation. The mentors you gain remain accessible throughout your journey. Long-lasting friendships and business partnerships between lecturers and students are not uncommon.