*If you do not have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent by the time of entrance, you will need to undergo a Preliminary Screening to determine if your background and work experience is sufficient.
If you are 22 years of age but do not meet one or more of the admission requirements indicated above, you may still apply for the MBA programs, but will first need to pass a Preliminary Screening.
Applicants who meet any of the following conditions are applicable:
If you are under 22 years of age and/or have no full-time work experience by the time of application, you are not eligible to apply.
Submit the following through the Online Admission Portal:
If you pass the preliminary screening, you will need to submit the remaining documents as described in MBA application Required Documents.
Open an account in the Online Admission Portal and submit the required application documents.
Online Admission Portal
*Part-time & Online MBA applicants are required to take a 60-minute online Logical Thinking Examination during the second screening. Applicants who have completed the Critical Thinking course in any language at either GLOBIS University or the GLOBIS Management School with a grade of A, B, or C by the time of the interview date will be exempt from taking the Logical Thinking Examination.
*The July application round is applicable to Part-time & Online MBA only
Note: For any applicants with disabilities that may require special considerations for the second screening, please notify the Admissions Office prior to application.
See the full application process and details on the required documents in the Admission Guide.
As a condition of enrollment in our MBA programs, all students are required to comply with the University and Enrollment Regulations.