Course details

Human Resource Management

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Course overview

This course is intended for anyone who is engaged in or interested in management work. You will learn “mechanisms” (human resource management) that get the members of an organization moving effectively towards its goals in order to effectively implement a strategy.

In class, you will refine your ability to find methods that utilize human resource management effectively by understanding the aims of personnel systems and their impact on employees. Specifically, after having analyzed the environment surrounding a business and the strategy of the business, you will understand human resource management from the perspectives of both resource management and motivation management.

All 6 classes will be operated on the basis of case methods centered mainly on discussion. On Days 1 and 2, you will learn about personnel systems and their influence on employees while linking this with your own experience; and on Days 3 and 4, you will aim to gain an integrated understanding of human resources management with the perspective from the top of executive personnel. In addition, on Days 5 and 6, utilizing what you have learned so far, you will take the perspective of a manager and explore how to utilize human resource management to achieve the goals of the team.

This course is mandatory for all students as knowledge of the basic concepts and framework of HRM is essential for effective execution of strategies.

At a glance

Eligible for Pre-MBA, learn more.

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A step by step guide on how to apply

  • 1
    Submit the online form
    Receive application result by email in a few business days.
  • 2
    Register for the course(s)
    Follow the instructions provided via email.
  • 3
    Pay the tuition
    Within two weeks of the course registration.
  • 4
    Prepare for the first class
    Join orientation. Download course materials.