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Congratulations to the Graduates of the English Full-time MBA Class of 2024!

August 26th, 2024|Academic News
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GLOBIS University held its annual graduation ceremony for the 2024 Full-time English MBA Program on August 25. The 37 students celebrated this milestone together with their friends and family at GLOBIS Hall.

The diverse group of graduates hails from 16 countries: Bangladesh, China, France, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Mongolia, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United States, Vietnam, and Yemen.

Before sending them off into their future, GLOBIS University President and Founder Yoshito Hori shared these words:

According to Socrates, philosophy means “to learn how to live well” as a soul that is born into this world.
When we hear the word philosophy, we think of it as something difficult, but it is no big deal. Philosophy is simply “to think how to live well.”
You learned how to believe in yourself. If you do not believe in yourself, who would trust you or believe in you?
It is important to construct your own philosophy.
After all, it is your life. You must live with your own values, not with other persons’ values.

Manohar Singala from India, Academic Excellence Award Recipient, shared about the passion of GLOBIS students he experienced, and how he believes that business people have the power to change the world;

We all have acquired skills and developed many perspectives. Our most important competitive advantage is finding our purpose / mission, or kokorozashi. Each one of us is passionate about something, like empowering villages through education, building community with sports and food, poverty, climate change, gaming, restoring peace, development, digitalization – all of us focusing on making the world a better place.

Sirinya Laochinda from Thailand and Student Representative Speaker talked about her experience as part of the GLOBIS community;

As MBA candidates, we’ve put ourselves in the shoes of countless managers, grappling with complex cases and strategic dilemmas. But the most important lesson I learned from over 300 days of intensive study wasn’t about cracking cases or crunching numbers. It was about how to be part of something bigger than myself. I can wholeheartedly say that the 36 strangers I met a year ago had become dear friends whom I could not imagine our class without. We laughed and smiled together, but also challenged and supported each other. It was about realizing that my role wasn’t limited to what I expected of myself, but also the roles I could take to support my peers, my team, and my community.

We wish all graduates a successful start into their future!
Read the official press release for more details on the graduation ceremony.