
Adisara Puangchompoo

  • Thailand
Program year:
  • 2022
  • Japan

What made you choose the GLOBIS MBA?

I have a background in art, but having to come back to the family business made me realize that I may not have the perspectives I needed. I specifically chose GLOBIS because I was drawn to the core concept of realizing a personal mission. I wanted to clarify for myself why I wanted to do business.

How was your life as an MBA student in Tokyo?

Tokyo is a constant whirlwind of inspiration for me. I go to all types of exhibitions, but I’m also amazed just walking down streets and alleys and seeing what I call the “Japanese way.” Japanese people have an inherent respect for humans and nature. I enjoy that everywhere, even when my friends and I just go for a picnic or take a day trip somewhere.

How was your experience at the Japan MBA Experience program?

“In the Japan MBA Experience Program (JMEx), we talked about the KIBOW Foundation and got exposed to all the networks within GLOBIS. It blew my mind. I realized how deep and broad this network is, and I was really grateful to be part of it.

GLOBIS is not a normal MBA. Students here learn to create opportunities and form new businesses. GLOBIS is a true ecosystem.”

Since starting your MBA program, have you seen any changes in how you think and act?

Because the GLOBIS MBA is such a practical program, learning doesn’t end in class. We analyze daily life through the lenses of these classes. Even when we go to a cafe, we try to think, “How did the owner get here? What’s their mission?” We use frameworks to analyze and interpret the world around us with different mindsets. It opens up conversations for us.