“Professors and researchers like me are rarely (or, at least, only superficially) trained on matters of organizational behavior, strategy, leadership, marketing, human resources, and so on. It is common to learn from your superior’s examples and hands-on trial-and-error.
However, I sensed the need, at least for management of my research group, to gather know-how, insights, and frameworks from the business world. I then needed to find a way to translate them into the “language” of academia. I knew that somewhere in the business world, there was hidden treasure with plenty of value for academia.
In addition, I was hoping to better understand the mindset of business partners who could contribute to society in a different way. By gaining more empathy and grasping their expectations, I was sure I could help bridge the gap between academia and industry.
This is how the idea of getting my MBA was born, but it took many years to find a suitable place to pursue it.”
“There are multiple reasons for choosing the GLOBIS MBA, but they all came after several years of passive search for the best option. The program has several unique points: 1. Technovate core: Unlike other MBA programs, GLOBIS positions itself at the boundary between technology and innovation, coining the concept of “MBA in the Technovate Era.” This was attractive to me because of my Engineering and Physics backgrounds. 2. Kokorozashi-centered: The GLOBIS program dedicates a number of courses and activities to introspection and finding a purpose or life mission. I was at a point in my career where I needed to do this for myself and my students as well. 3. Interactive classes: Coming from a classical academic environment of one-way teaching, it was refreshing to discover how interactive the GLOBIS classes were. It was a huge added value.”
“Changes started to emerge gradually over the two years after graduating.
First, I’m continuously trying to “find rhymes” between business concepts, frameworks, and academic issues. Drawing such parallels was often a part of GLOBIS assignments.
Second, I’m generally more willing to take on additional responsibilities in my work. I am more aware than ever that I can help generate new value.
Third, I’ve started acknowledging the importance of networking. Such activities are not only sources of learning, but also sources of synchronicity.
I do expect that GLOBIS will continue to be a part of my career. I aim to transform the business frameworks into knowledge for the academic community. But I can also see how the business community can benefit from the basics of academic research. Bridges are truly reinforced by seeing things through the eyes of people on the other side.”
“The experience and skills of each student in this MBA community truly raise the program’s value, especially through cultural diversity. Each class was memorable thanks to contributions from unique perspectives.
A remarkable memory for me is how we “attacked” the complex GMAP test, which was required for graduation. We had an excellent leadership team, and preparation became teamwork with many study sessions. The positive atmosphere changed all of us forever.
I’ll also always remember the field trips to my city of Hamamatsu. The last time was just after the graduation ceremony. There was such openness and friendship between all of us–people from Japan, Romania, Germany, the UK, Canada, South Africa, Australia, China, Nepal, the Philippines, and many other countries.
For those considering this journey, I’d like to emphasize that each student cohort is unique, which makes the learning opportunities unique. Study with purpose, as we did, to discover how to make a greater impact for a better world.”