
Shadab Mulla

  • India
Program year:
  • 2023
  • Japan
  • Student
What made you choose the GLOBIS MBA?

I knew that to become a more effective business leader, it was crucial for me to possess a comprehensive understanding of all the aspects of running a business. This is precisely what the GLOBIS MBA program provided me with.

The one-year duration of the MBA allowed me to swiftly re-enter the corporate world armed with practical business skills. GLOBIS also granted me a scholarship, which alleviated the financial burden of my education expenses.

The strategic location of GLOBIS in in Tokyo, Japan was another bonus. Japan boasts the world’s third-largest economy, and Tokyo in particular is a vibrant city teeming with opportunities for foreign professionals.

What do you like the most about studying at GLOBIS?

The case-based classes are really immersive. I can feel myself in the shoes of the subjects, which allows me to experience a range of complicated situations and think my way out of them. In less than a year, I dove into more than 250 cases, honing my analytical skills and expanding my knowledge base every time.

The teaching staff is a team of accomplished professionals in high-ranking positions, and they generously shared their real-life experiences with me, allowing me to learn from a wide variety of backgrounds. Their guidance was invaluable to my growth both personally and professionally.

Throughout my MBA journey, GLOBIS’ support staff provided unwavering assistance, even prior to my arrival in Japan. Their dedication and support were instrumental in ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing my learning experience.

Studying at GLOBIS also helped me find my kokorozashi, my personal mission, which is a unique offering that sets us apart from other universities worldwide. The emphasis on self-discovery and purpose has been transformative. I feel empowered to align my passions with my career aspirations.

What are your favorite courses so far?

I have three years of experience in supply chain and global logistics, and I’m now looking to transition into a new field utilizing the knowledge and skills gained from my MBA.

The Operational Strategy, Strategic Reorganization, and Business Presentation classes at GLOBIS have helped me hone my critical thinking abilities and find the right path to achieve my objectives.

That said, GLOBIS offers a diverse selection of courses that all have the potential to transform your way of thinking, enhance your business skills, and develop your personality, too.